Visio 1

by mcdseven • Uploaded: Jan. 29 '10 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: WIP
Status: Client work
Viewed: 15324

Lets Discuss

mcdseven Jan. 30 '10

Hey guys, would like to develop this a little further, so any comments? I can explain my rational behind it... visio (vision) old french from latin means 'to see'... so I drew an eye icon to represent that. I used cmyk blends to give it a bit more depth. So any feedback to let me know if its yay or nay or help improving would be welcome! Thanks

kathariney Jan. 30 '10

I think it's very pretty, but I see my best friend there: a diamond (and it's a beautiful shinny one.) I guess that's because of the blue grey and the lightened top makes me see that.

nido Jan. 30 '10

I think its visualy very pleasing... colours are spot on %26 the type chosen bodes well... in short... very well done...

mcdseven Jan. 30 '10

@katheriney, thanks for the feedback, will load alternartive version.*@Nido Thanks Nido, that means a lot. **

logomotive Jan. 30 '10

eye catchy, perfect for a multimedia, however that part is kinda small.

JF Jan. 30 '10

So, is it...Visio or Vizio? There is a Microsoft Visio, fyi.....

mcdseven Jan. 30 '10

%5Eeeks! I didn't know that, I'll stick with the Z. Thanks guys for the comments and floats...

mcdseven Feb. 03 '10

CHEERS Designoman!

impodster Feb. 23 '10

gut level, this is a beauty! you thinking about animating it too? I see it in motion - assembling on screen.

mcdseven Feb. 23 '10

WOW! Thanks logopond for putting this in the gallery, have not been on all day and am thrilled to see this logo here, this has actually made my day!

aaronwest-3887 Feb. 25 '10

Great logo. What font is that? aAre you able to send me it to me I would appreciate it. **

Stephen James Feb. 26 '10

very cool! but there is already a widely known company called vizio.. who produces TV's

VB Design Mar. 11 '10

It's a great logo,I like it.Btw,thanks for your comment :)

runstromer Mar. 24 '10

Hi mcdseven!%0D*%0D*Nice logo! Im intrested in buying this logo for my own small company. Please send me a email to*Regards%0D*Jr

mcdseven Mar. 24 '10

%5EThanks for the interest, sent you a mail.

malicho Mar. 27 '10

certainly you realize that Vizio is a company that makes HDTVs in the US, and your font is strikingly similar.

mcdseven Mar. 28 '10

%5Efont is strikingly different? sorry mate but they couldn't be further apart, the type I am using is Gotham while I dont know the other types exact name... but they have completely different character shapes and type class, now if it was chalet or helvetica they where using I'd agree. anyway I'll let others decide.****Regardless the logomark has been sold. I'm sure the new owners have a name already picked so I am not going to loose any sleep, but I do appreciate the heads up.

milou Mar. 28 '10

%5E%5E similar font? what makes it similar caps on?

plantingseeds Mar. 28 '10

It's not similiar at all. Nice mark. Cool that you sold it from it being spotted on here! Congrats.

OMNI Apr. 16 '10

Hidy ho neighbor :) dropped by and just saw this and wow! It reminds me of some Arabic pattern which I'm always trying to develop because of its demand as a logo in the Middle East. This is a very beautiful symbol.**I'd experiment with multiple colors on it, but it all depends on what your client wants, if he wants it a bit more sober this is a great color option.

mcdseven Apr. 17 '10

%5EWow thanks Etienne! Coming from your good self thats a real boost for the self confidence, I have no shame in saying that I think your work is some of the best on the pond so much that I always use your own personal website to show junior designers the level they have to aspire to.**As for the logo its in the clients hands, made a few tweaks for them, but they where very nice folk from Sweden and I believe it has found a good home and in return I was able to barter for some very nice design books (hardback editions) that I have been after for a while.

nido Apr. 26 '10

so when you uploading the new version?...

mcdseven Apr. 26 '10

%5EI don't think I will be, when the client (or should I say buyer?) expressed an interest we agreed that they take it as is... I made it more accessible to alter and suggested some color schemes. Probaly in recent days gone by I would have jumped all over the chance of designing it bespoke, but two very young kids, full time design job, commute just knocks the will out of ya. **Hopefully the client will hire someone good to polish it of.

desdecero Apr. 28 '10

Beautiful....! Congrats...!

s carducci May. 23 '10

awesome gradients and colours!!

yehaa Jun. 09 '10

hi mcdseven,%0D*nice work. is this design for sale? I could purchase it for my organization company.%0D*%0D*if you're interested, reach me at*%0D*thnx

mcdseven Jun. 14 '10

Hi Yehaa,**Thanks for the interest but I am afraid this has been sold. Good luck.

yehaa Jun. 21 '10

Hi mcdseven,%0D*%0D*Thanks for the update. But how can we work with you for another project? Could you reach me at the above email address so that we can discuss what we can do together.%0D*%0D*Thanks

mcdseven Jun. 21 '10

Hi Yehaa, thanks for replying and I'm really flattered that you have an interest in working with me but unfortunately if I was to be honest I'm completely burnt out as a designer right now and feel about as creative as a cavity house brick, thought you are in the right place as there are plenty of great logo designers that still have the fire in their belly. Good luck and thanks again!

Noetic Brands Aug. 12 '10

This was really nice!

vasvari Aug. 17 '10

Great work Paul! Congrats!

justinbakerdesigns May. 17 '11

I love the colors used here!

oscarcuriel Oct. 03 '12

Love this Brilliant Coloring and shaping...the whole Logo is Pond!

mcdseven Oct. 26 '12

havent been here in a while thanks for the comment oscarcuriel

mariagroenlund Mar. 06 '13

Love the light feel :)

alexwende Jun. 05 '13

This mark looks fantastic!


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