
by lundeja • Uploaded: Aug. 02 '09


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Description: Was feelin' a bit off today, decided to have some quick fun. I'm sure there are plenty of improvements to be made so by all means, consider it open source if you can do better. Might be fun, who knows?
As seen on: Logo Design Wisconsin
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 9009

Lets Discuss

tass Aug. 03 '09

That's nice, but can be very easy read as 'gay' instead of copy. Take care of the message transmitted. :)

lundeja Nov. 15 '09

%3B) I guess the name makes sense then doesn't it?

idastudios Nov. 15 '09

ha. im glad you have a sense of humor.

Chad Sanderson Nov. 15 '09

Mike (the creator of Perro) was the first one to comment on this. I think if it was an issue he would have said something. :)

lundeja Nov. 15 '09

Little did you know his lawyer just called (on a sunday?!) and he's filing suit


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