Parkview Pre-cast Concept 3

by lumo • Uploaded: Oct. 14 '10


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Description: Final concept for Parkview. With this one, I went with a different approach. They are located near the Riding Mountains Park and they were looking for a mark that included a 'P'. I decided to combine the two.
As seen on: golumo
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 10353

Lets Discuss

lumo Oct. 14 '10

Thanks Tomme and Milou.**Do you think the color is appropriate? Client had asked for grey and yellow so still considering.

contrast8 Oct. 14 '10

i think it is nice:)

siah-design Oct. 14 '10

Yea, nice look and concept bro :)

JoePrince Oct. 14 '10

You've been a roll lately James...keep it up!

oronoz ® Oct. 14 '10

Nice concept James!!

Pierro Oct. 14 '10

Great as usual...

lumo Oct. 14 '10

Thanks contrast8, mike, joe, oronoz, and pierro. Appreciate the comments.**I'm hoping this one will do the trick. They were looking for a 'P' in their mark and I feel this is unique enough.

bigoodis Oct. 14 '10

Mark is very nice James :)

lumo Oct. 15 '10

Thanks ivan. I just hope they go for this one. How do you convince clients about good design?

bigoodis Oct. 15 '10

%5EI think you just need to show (even illustrating it) to them how you came to this decision and to show them that the use of this logo is quite simple

michaelspitz Oct. 15 '10

Again, clever stuff buddy! :)

lumavine Oct. 16 '10

Wow, very nice use of... would it technically be %22negative space%22? I saw the P pretty quick which surprised me. What is a Pre-cast? Like, before you break your arm, just in case?**

lumo Oct. 16 '10

haha... precast is when concrete gets poured into a mold for you to use for building walls, or agriculture uses. **The company didn't want to limit their market by having their mark feature a building so this was a logical solution.

lumo Dec. 07 '10

Today I heard that this was the accepted design! Nice!!!


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