Chess Republic

by logoholik • Uploaded: Mar. 03 '09


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Description: Brand naming and logo design for Chess Republic gaming website.
As seen on: ChessRepublic
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3991

Lets Discuss

Paul Rand Mar. 08 '09

I like this mark.*The font looks right.*Smaller stars, it's fighting with the pond.*More contrast on the shadow part.*Good job.

logomotive Mar. 08 '09

%5E as in chess but the guys a dork.*

logomotive Mar. 08 '09

yeah, but I think??? that's what he meant? no?

logoholik Mar. 09 '09

Lol guys. Paul vs Pond :) Now, seriously, regarding the stars - nah, but you got the point contrast wise. At least for less calibrated monitors :) Revised

logoholik Jun. 10 '09

Glad to see this one ended up in right hands after all. Cheers!


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