Park City Interactive

by logoholik • Uploaded: Sep. 10 '07 - Gallerized: Sep. '07


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Description: Corporate visual identity for Park City Interactive – Interface design and development. Published in Logoliscious.
As seen on: Park City Interactive
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6896
Tags: icon green serif tree

Lets Discuss

bpotstra Sep. 10 '07

I like the drop shadow.

jroncero Sep. 15 '07

Great concept and execution. However, I do agree with Climax about getting rid of the cast shadow. I'll give you 2 extra reasons.%0D*Adding the gray shadow adds an extra color to the scheme that is not repeated anywhere else. In fact, it detracts from the black and green which do work very well.%0D*Lastly, all other elements are bold and hard edge, the shadow again is soft and blurry. it looks out of place, not to mention that once you shrink the logo it the shadow will turn into a mudge.%0D*

jroncero Sep. 15 '07

Great concept and execution. However, I do agree with Climax about getting rid of the cast shadow. I'll give you 2 extra reasons.%0D*Adding the gray shadow adds an extra color to the scheme that is not repeated anywhere else. In fact, it detracts from the black and green which do work very well.%0D*Lastly, all other elements are bold and hard edged, the shadow is soft and blurry. It looks out of place, not to mention that once you shrink the logo, the shadow will turn into a mudge.%0D*


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