by liasidik • Uploaded: Mar. 27 '15


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Description: Metropolis was the result of nine respected Surabayan businessmen, all of whom had the conjoined vision to founder an original direction towards property development in Surabaya. Metropolis had a sociable goal to attract and educate those desiring a safe, responsible, independent living environment more suited to University students. Progressive ideas always face scrutiny and objection, because it goes against the status quo, and so it was Lia s. Associates challenge to develop a total packaged concept, one that would be widely accepted widely, to set the trend. For Surabayan apartment development, it has become a trendsetter. The product concept won an award from the city of Surabaya city its innovative concept. The advertising concept won awards from Jawa Pos, the largest newspaper group in Indonesia. The recipe for success was brought together using the right brand name, slogan, colour palette, photography and a nationwide media publicity campaign.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 1308
Tags: winning award campaign naming

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