Sweet Goddess

by lboi • Uploaded: Jun. 15 '09 - Gallerized: Sep. '09


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Description: A baking goddess brings a touch of Parisian chic with swirly tresses and cupcakes, cherries and hearts entwined in her gorgeous hair. Finally after 2 years, I am happy with my own branding for my food site!!! *** Awarded LOGO OF THE MONTH August 2009 on Logo Moose. *** ***Awarded Logo Of The Day on Sep 3, 2009 on LOGO OF THE DAY***
As seen on: LBOI
Status: Client work
Viewed: 27450

Lets Discuss

jennyb Jun. 15 '09

Very nice Sneh :) I love it!

tass Jun. 15 '09

quite overloaded but nice

lboi Jun. 15 '09

Thanks guys!! :-) I am actually planning on using a bigger size of the illustration on the website separate from the logo type ... in a larger size it looks nicely fleshed out :-)

m1sternoname Jun. 15 '09

Chocolate looks good!

m1sternoname Jun. 16 '09

Sorry, Cocktailshaker I ment of course!

lboi Jun. 16 '09

lol .. thnx :-) yeah i loved the part retro/part deli chic look of the font!

logomotive Jun. 17 '09

so you Sneh, just need the little sexy split in your lip :)

Meloga Jul. 05 '09


lboi Jul. 05 '09

Thanks Meloga :-)

dbunk Jul. 05 '09

Just awesome, just love the way u think

felro Jul. 29 '09

Awesome Sneh, keep it up!

lboi Jul. 29 '09

Thank Felipe! :-)

lboi Jul. 29 '09

And thank you Nima :-)

logoboom Jul. 29 '09

yes picking at nits but...I'd make that apostrophe smaller and tuck it down in a bit more getting the l and s closer or even touching. And then reduce the word spacing a tad. Very cute.

lboi Jul. 31 '09

Thanks Logoboom! I tried fiddling with the letters .. the thing is I need the writing by itself and not always with the mark %5Bjust like on the blog right now%5D and in that case, the name nicely spaced looks better than a tighter kerning.

McGuire Design Aug. 04 '09

Very nice, always liked this one a lot.

imago-designs Aug. 07 '09

Wow! Stunning- must have taken you awhile. This is one of my favourites! very unique and hits the spot! %0D*%0D*Question- If you use it at a small size would you just use the text without the mark, or is it just for your website?%0D*

lboi Aug. 07 '09

Thanks!**imago-designs : Thanks, yeah it took me a few weeks, working on and off. For now, it is just for the website, product design is intended in the future and the mark and text will most definitely be used separately. The mark and text do work together at very small sizes too, I have checked %5Bfor letterheads and stuff .. hence the slightly loose kerning :-)%5D

lboi Aug. 31 '09

Awarded *Logo Of The Month August 2009* on Logo Moose.**http://www.logomoose.com/logo-design/gels-kitchen/

dbunk Aug. 31 '09

Very well deserved. Grats!

rudy hurtado Sep. 01 '09

I didn't know about the logomoose site, very cool, and great for you Sneh, well deserved, always liked this logo.

lboi Sep. 01 '09

Thanks everybody :-) I appreciate the support!

lboi Sep. 03 '09

Awarded *Logo Of The Day on Sep 3, 2009* on LOGO OF THE DAY**http://logooftheday.com/2009-09-03-gels-kitchen/

!mude Sep. 28 '09

Sweet. Very cool and feels original.

lboi Sep. 28 '09

Thanks !mude :)

ethereal Sep. 28 '09

Very cool, congrats on all counts!

dannygdammit Sep. 28 '09

I think it's a success if you're pleased with your own branding.. If you're like me it's hard to be satisfied with your own work. Kudos. looks great.

lboi Sep. 28 '09

Thanks Danny! Yeah this one took me a while to get right, constant yo-yoing and changing for 2 years .. now? I wouldn't change a thing abt it :)

dotflo Sep. 28 '09

congratz on the unique style

artboy Sep. 29 '09

Hey, that's great, really fun, bet you enjoyed doing it while it was coming together! What's the font, out of interest? I'm looking for a good handwritten-style script.

lboi Sep. 29 '09

Thanks guys :) Yeah, it was so much fun, the sketches took me the longest and then deciding a color scheme. The font is Cocktail Shaker :)

nido Sep. 29 '09

I'm getting a weird feeling about this one whenever I see it... it reminds me of a logo someone else did once on LP that was at first praised and then realised a complete rip from istock or something... but that girl in the pic had flowers in her hair if I recall... %26 I also cant recall how similar this is but it sure reminds me of that whole (unfortunate) incident... **Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

lboi Sep. 29 '09

yeah I remember seeing that illustration on Nathan Sarlow's sister's visiting card and asking him about it earlier this year because it was so much like what I had made last year. He was the one who told me about the stock illustration. LOL , the idea for this actually came to me a couple of years ago when I was fooling around with mixing spoons and paper cases and sticking them in my hair purely for a humorous effect for the kids.

lboi Sep. 29 '09

Its client work because its not just my money in the GK franchise, I have 2 other partners. Yeah purely coincidental, I have 3 sets of sketches for this, fruits .. vegetables and sweets. The sweets won by common vote. My inspiration for this was Medusa. I was hoping to get a glamorous, mysterious woman with food/sweets in her hair instead of snakes .. very chic and I was happy with what I managed to arrive at. Since doing this one, I have worked on an eco-organic version but that's for a later stage. This is more of a personal, evolving project for me. I also have some sketches with eyes, but they just killed the whole pretty feel of it.

doodlecow Sep. 29 '09

very girly.. and nice too %3B)

lboi Sep. 29 '09

Thanks doodlecow, radhacelis and thwack :)

lboi Sep. 29 '09

he he thanks Euan :)

jkbrams Sep. 30 '09

sweet... i love it...*and very beautiful...

shin Sep. 30 '09

Good graphic. Bad logo.*Logo should be legible on the tiniest scale without losing important details.*Logo should be look %22OK%22 on gray-scale and pure B/W.**Just my two cents*

eziemac Sep. 30 '09

I have to disagree with shin. Those characteristics should be applied if the logo will be used in those circumstances, however this logo was made personally for the designer, Lboi, and who knows better what the logo will be used for than the designer?**My assumption is that this logo will mainly/only be used for the web and will not be used any smaller than this and for those reasons i think that this works as a good logo.

Chad Sanderson Sep. 30 '09

Agreed. This is b-e-a-u-tiful Iboi.

oswal23 Sep. 30 '09

Te felicito lindo dise%F1o, me agrada los colores...escribeme

ace cream Oct. 02 '09

awesome, NOM OM NOM!

milou Oct. 03 '09

mark is awesome!

lboi Oct. 03 '09

Thanks very much for your kind words guys! Much appreciated :)

sergiu.lazin Feb. 15 '10

so...is it copied from istock or isn't it ?

AMP Feb. 15 '10

Looks great! and doesn't look copied one bit imo. very nice work.


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