by lbbrand • Uploaded: Nov. 25 '09
Branding and Marketing
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One day you will tell us a secret how did you get on the top of 'The Most Favorited Member' list (207) with only 2 logos in folio and being member of the Pond for only 5 months... %3B)
Replyand not good logos at that...
Replyi would love to hear that secret.
ReplyI'm pretty sure that number is based on how many showcases the user favorites. It has nothing to do with how many people favorite your showcase. %3B-)
Reply%5E could be right, But then the category-name is wrong, in my eyes??? %22Most Favourited Member%22
ReplyI think Alex is right, Kevin. You are on that list as well and that's because 74 people marked your folio as favorite one...
Replyok. it is GOD. :)
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