by kosta • Uploaded: May. 18 '10
Software company, 2 "D" are owners' initials.
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Lets Discuss
You are doing this for Damon Albarn?
ReplyNope, never heard of him :)**This was for someone local...
ReplyOh, you haven't heard of Gorillaz/Blur vocalist? %3B)%0D*I like the mark by the way.
ReplyI haven't... (google told me a few minutes ago) But I did hear of Gorillaz! :P I guess I'm a bit lost in time with music, despite being of your age**Glad you like the mark. I'm curious now, why did it remind you of Damon? (except for %22D%22 obviously)
Reply2D is Damon's Albarn alter ego for Gorillaz project. My joke wasn't funny..
ReplyOhh... Delivered almost the same concept to a client last week. Give me 5 minutes and it's up. **Gorillaz rock! Seeing them this summer at Roskilde Festival.
Reply**Hope this is not a problem.
ReplyNah Milou, it was me that didn't get it... %3B)
ReplyAlexander, it's very different, don't worry :)... posted a comment on it btw
Replylovin' it
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