Inkorgen Logo Design / Identity

by kairevicius • Uploaded: Mar. 26 '14 - Gallerized: Apr. '14


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Description: Recently I was asked to create an identity for a project called ‘Inkorgen’ which is the Swedish word for ‘Inbox’. Company main features are: Email free from spam / virus • High availability cluster • No installation (Software as a service). Inkorgen - We’re all about creating good and simple solutions against spam.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 14803
Tags: designer logotype clever iconic

Lets Discuss

tass Apr. 12 '14

I didn't see it as a castle, but as a crown, but since you mention about Sweden perhaps that's why I imagined it as a crown, which I guess it's even better since from what I noticed many Swedish (and Scandinavian) branding projects incorporate a crown (perhaps as a sign of gratitude / recognition to their politics / history).

etu Apr. 13 '14

Really nice job, Paulius :)

paulius kairevicius Apr. 13 '14

Alex, thank's for your informative comment. Well, both crown and castle symbolise protection and authority, so I can agree with you that it's not a problem how people will recognise this brand mark.

LoneWolf May. 08 '14

Awe. Some.

The force is strong with this one.


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