test for the mark

by kaimere • Uploaded: May. 25 '07


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Description: Just a test mark ... convinced it must have been done before but checking ... companys name begins with m
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3894

Lets Discuss

OcularInk May. 25 '07

Dude, that mark is beyond brilliant. I didn't even notice the 'M' at first - just the arrows. Love the shadow too. Almost wondering if the name would look better in grey? Even so, rocking job!

chanpion May. 25 '07

'M' for Magnificent. One of your best ones Mike. Cheers bud.

dr_dimento May. 25 '07

I LOVE it. It also took me a little while to see the M but it's clear after a few seconds. It reminds me of how the FedEx logo has a hidden arrow that most people don't see. Great work. Very successful.*

bogdanv May. 25 '07

i think it%60s just the spacing between the letters that created that arrow by %22accident%22, I dont%60t think that is made there by will. btw nice mark there kaimere

kaimere May. 25 '07

lol hahahah ... cheers for the vote of confidence ... the arrows are intentional after looking at the forms, no accident just from sketches in my sketchbook ... im actually reeling from that comment ... my feelings are hurt hahahaha

bogdanv May. 25 '07

I was talking about the FedEx logo, regarding of what dr_dimento said :)

mandarine May. 25 '07

That is really nice - it's clean, and although as you said it seems familiar I can't recall seeing this treatment before

kaimere May. 26 '07

heheh Sorry Bogdanv hehehe

OcularInk May. 26 '07

@ bogdanv - even so, I think the FedEx arrow was very well thought out. Typography is everything!! %3B)

kaimere May. 27 '07

nicely put ... and funnily an interview with the designer ... Mr Lindon Leader*http://www.thesneeze.com/mt-archives/000273.php

nido May. 28 '07

very nice kaimere... you are now officialy my 28th fave designer! congrats!!!

kaimere May. 28 '07

wooooo thanks Nido, im gonna break open the Moet....

nido May. 29 '07

go easy on it %3B)

kaimere May. 29 '07

ill try Chandon just came round


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