Seven and Six

by jpgerlach • Uploaded: Dec. 11 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07


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Description: Seven and Six is a contemporary furniture company.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 36035

Lets Discuss

ryantoyota Dec. 12 '07

This is really cool, although it does not feel like a furniture company to me. Seems more art or design related.

reddskinn Dec. 12 '07

mm.. bauhaus look :D

jayred Dec. 12 '07

Gorgeous, simple execution. While I would agree that it doesn't necessarily remind me of a furniture company at first glance, I think as long as the furniture is sufficiently modern, it works quite well.

ahab Dec. 12 '07

This is really cool.

bpotstra Dec. 13 '07

I like this alot - would work exceptionally well with some motion added to it... and thats what I thought of immediately when I saw this - not furniture, but like a motion studio or production firm... Still, very very cool :)

alfadark Dec. 16 '07

I love this, the 7%266 isn't completely obvious right away, but once you read the name you realize what it says. Very eye-catching.

OcularInk Dec. 22 '07

Nice merging of the letterforms.

conair Dec. 27 '07

I like the formation of 7%266 and also the caption, Nice work

inko9nito Dec. 27 '07

Wow, love it. Very memorable.

Jurastapark Apr. 23 '08

yes its look like bauhaus design, but really good :), i like this.

d:co Aug. 18 '08

Excellent job! Congratullations!!**

tim aarts Nov. 04 '08

very nice, did you all made it on a grid or did you tilt objects?

jpgerlach Dec. 01 '08

I used an organic grid to make sure that everything read correctly and worked together.

yummie Dec. 16 '08

nice idea, although it looks like furniture a little bit :D**iLike.

tdg talone diaz DG Mar. 12 '09

Congratulations great brand, i dont agree with those who said it doesn%B4t relate with furniture, brands are nothing, they mean nothing outside the context they were intendet to work in. A brand in my opinion is spechless if it%B4s display on its own. Or to be more acurate it can only sugest, and the context confirms...

tdg talone diaz DG Mar. 12 '09

please visit mi blog if you r interested in furder information about these aspects of branding. As soon as i finish translating my tesis to english i%B4ll post it in my blog

Michigan Web Dec. 27 '09

Very cool with the merging.


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