by jokohana • Uploaded: Oct. 03 '08
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Description: logo for a music label Status: Client work Viewed: 2054 Share:
johana, excellent font composition!!!!
Cool stuff (reminds me on something ? :D
Good luck with this competition!
i can see all of the corporate id by just looking at the logo, i always say that is a good sign!
Very nice type solution. It's hip and modern with a retro vibe.
:))))))thanks..... and I'M THE WINNER!!!!!!!!
Congrats joko! Very nice mark. What did you win?
Congrats on winning that LogoSauce competition... Bit un-regular but hey, S* happens!
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Lets Discuss
johana, excellent font composition!!!!
ReplyCool stuff (reminds me on something ? :D
ReplyGood luck with this competition!
Replyi can see all of the corporate id by just looking at the logo, i always say that is a good sign!
ReplyVery nice type solution. It's hip and modern with a retro vibe.
Reply:))))))thanks..... and I'M THE WINNER!!!!!!!!
ReplyCongrats joko! Very nice mark. What did you win?
ReplyCongrats on winning that LogoSauce competition... Bit un-regular but hey, S* happens!
ReplyPlease login/signup to make a comment, registration is easy