
by jokohana • Uploaded: Jul. 14 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07


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Description: logo for xray
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6022

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jul. 15 '07

The letters are perfectly balanced. Just wondering about the square edge on the R. No, it's fine as it is. Nice work.

dreamerworx Jul. 16 '07

Cool :)))))) **But I dunno why I read it - XRAX, it has something to do with the symmetry I guess.....?

Thomas Jul. 16 '07

Awesome!*I would love to work on this kind of projects... So far from my client activities...

sczyrba Jan. 11 '08

like it! green would be a nice colour 2

row Feb. 16 '08

I must say, I also thought xrax at first, but it's a nice Logo.

gthobbs Mar. 03 '08

Nice ligatures.**@ firebrand: To your point, I'd like to see the flat portion of the R go out to a point. It might have to be lowered just slightly so it doesn't go up above the center point of the X. Might pinch too much in there but I'd like to see it.


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