
by jessebc • Uploaded: Aug. 14 '07 - Gallerized: Aug. '07


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Lets Discuss

OcularInk Aug. 14 '07

Clever. Nice job. You have some great looking logos!

yaserahmad Aug. 15 '07

This is the most elegant and clever logo i have ever seen in logopond, I really congratulate you for this graet job, my only comment is WOW :)

thomas Aug. 15 '07

Wow! Mr Bennett-Chamberlain on Logopond... I don't really know if I'm going to upload new logos... Just joking... Not sure %3B-) Your work is so impressive. Welcome on Logopond!

dache Aug. 15 '07

How come its a lowercase %22e%22 in the mark and uppercase %22E%22 in the type? Just wondering if there is a specific reason for this or purely to simplify the solution.

firebrand Aug. 15 '07

Lovely icon. Nice showcase

OcularInk Aug. 15 '07

@ dache : You insist on asking this question every single time someone pairs lowercase and uppercase type. Does the design suffer because of this? Honestly, the general public will never even notice. I'm just confused. Check this out http://www.duffy.com Are they wrong? I guess Coca Cola, Starbucks, and Kellogs doesn't think so. Not trying to be harsh, I just think this question doesn't have much merit to it.

jessebc Aug. 15 '07

Wow.. thanks for the kind words guys. I just signed up last night because I needed some feedback on the ewedding logo I was working on, and figured I'd might as well upload some other ones as well. I certainly wasn't expecting this sort of reaction. **Dache, the logo was part of a set, so the type was somewhat chosen before I started working on the icon. I was just happy to come up with an icon at all (this one took me a bit) so I wasn't too concerned about it's case.**Thanks!

KGB Aug. 15 '07

Man, I bet it's hard to walk with so many dudes hanging from your jock.

KGB Aug. 15 '07

funny. I'm not jealous. I just haven't seen the logoponders fall in love with someone so quick. I just don't want anyone to get their heart broken.

dache Aug. 15 '07

@ jessebc : Interesting to here the initial steps on the design.**@OcularInk : No I do not believe this designs suffers from the lowcase uppercase mix. For me the interesting part of logo design is not the visual but the idea and I am just curious as to the choices being made, be it color, a certain font, layout etc. For sure, we have the eye of design and see things the general public will probably never see but I dont think this its a reason not to please both general public and designers %3B%5E)*Concerning your Duffy question, I think you know my reply%3B concerning their logo at least. I dont think their clientel really needs to base their decision of hiring them on their logo alone as we know this profession is all about contacts. Question everything doc %3B%5E)

smashmethod Aug. 18 '07

I like the colors and mark, but the space between the mark and the type seems a tad large.

tiko1232 Aug. 27 '07

sorry one of my favourites :)


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