Love Piano

by jeropp • Uploaded: Dec. 20 '09


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Description: Attractive logo for a music business, blog, forum, radio show, general website etc... The idea for this came from my love for the piano/keyboard - my main hobby :-)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4256

Lets Discuss

entz Dec. 20 '09

I like the idea but i think it not very obvious right now. Maybe you can try to tilt the heart in such a way the there's a horizontal line on top where you can place the negative spaces.

fogra Dec. 20 '09

This isn't working at all. In fact, a much better execution of the concept is here:*

jeropp Dec. 21 '09

@fogra: Anyway I can improve this?

jeropp Dec. 21 '09

@fogra: i see what u mean by the other concept but i was looking for a more subtle approach

jeropp Dec. 21 '09

@fogra: any way i can improve this?

jeropp Dec. 21 '09

@fogra: any way i can improve this? i see what u mean by the other concept but i was looking for a more subtle approach

fogra Dec. 21 '09

Maybe you could indicate the lid of a grand piano tilted or open to represent the heart. I would personally only use red and black colours also.


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