by glendon • Uploaded: Nov. 21 '09
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Description: Piano Heart Status: Unused proposal Viewed: 1661 Share:
I love piano and music. And so I love this logo. Well done!
Ughhh this is one of those %22logos%22 that I really want to love, but the name just sounds so unbelievable.
use this glendon:
Nice %5E.%5E Work they should add it to the gallery %3Bp
bien resuelto
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Lets Discuss
I love piano and music. And so I love this logo. Well done!
ReplyUghhh this is one of those %22logos%22 that I really want to love, but the name just sounds so unbelievable.
Replyuse this glendon:
ReplyNice %5E.%5E Work they should add it to the gallery %3Bp
Replybien resuelto
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