Kelly Slater 11x Champ revise

by jerome_c • Uploaded: Oct. 24 '11


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Description: On the verge of his 11th Association of Surfing Professionals World Title, Kelly Slater is up there with Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods in sports dominance. "Michael" & "Tiger" have become household names, so in contrast to Slater's 10th title (KS10) logo from 2010, my approach for his 11th title logo gets more personal by using his first name only "Kelly". The typogrpaphy is inspired by the logo of Slater's long time sponsor, Quiksilver. The double "L" also reads as the number eleven signifying his 11th world title. I found it appropriate to use a victorious Kelly Slater for the "Y". Loud colors come and go in surf design. The loudness is back in action sports design in general so I'm conforming to this trend. As for color choice; Slater has been described as one with the ocean: Blue. He is from Florida, the Orange state: Orange.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2390

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