Kelly Slater 11x Champ

by jerome_c • Uploaded: Oct. 20 '11


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Description: On the verge of winning his 11th ASP World Title, I came up with this idea to celebrate Slater's accomplishment. Although not a house hold name like Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods, Kelly Slater is the most recognized name in professional surfing. Following up from his 10th title logo from last year, which read as "KS10", I wanted to try a more casual approach using his first name "Kelly" and using the number eleven for the double L. The letter forms are inspired by the logo of Slater's long time sponsor, Quiksilver.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2004

Lets Discuss

vergad Oct. 20 '11

Kelly is the KING!!!! 11 in 2011. What a legend - greatest sports person ever!!

jerome_c Oct. 20 '11

Yes he is. 11 is incredible! What do you think of the logo?


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