by ixwa • Uploaded: May. 18 '08
clear focus @ crunch time
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Very clever indeed!
ReplyI like. But I'd lose the repetition in the type. Also feels like a power button.
Replyagree with gthobbs
Replyfantastic :)
ReplyCould the power button association further strengthen this concept? I would assume the final animations are done on a computer. Clever concept.
ReplyPerfect icon! But I agree that the repeat in the type is unnecessary.. more distraction than emphasis.. super nice work nonetheless :)
Replyvery thoughtful indeed
Replyvery clever mark indeed! i'm going to jump on the band wagon and say the repetition in the text is unnecessary
ReplyYes the repeat is not needed. To sell the urgency of the message I'd be inclined to go blood red on white...danger...danger...we need to do something now!
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