Port of Kinsale

by hyperborea • Uploaded: Sep. 30 '10 - Gallerized: Oct. '10


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Description: Kinsale is a popular holiday resort in Ireland known for its leisure activities - including yachting, sea angling, and golf. Logo was made for the group of hotels and restaurants located in the beautiful Port of Kinsale, in the middle of the sea and large green grass golf terrains above them. The aim was to promote tourism and attract more irish and foreign tourists to Kinsale.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 12159

Lets Discuss

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

Thanks Deividas.*I didn't mention in the description that Kinsale is surrounded with many old walls of forts and castles that standed there, and some of them still are and they are touristic attraction also.*They were also inspiration for this %22brick wall like, shield like%22 logomark.

Lecart Oct. 01 '10

it's a nice logo, man. :)

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

thanks a lot Stellan

contrast8 Oct. 01 '10

i see shield also, realy nice :)

Rokac Oct. 01 '10

Andrej, nice mark you have there:)*Have you tried with different type?

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

Yup mate. I tried several type options.*This, and one more made the best appearance in my opinion. I will reupload the other one for you to see if it is better option than this.

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

Thanks Alen, waiting for yours to see...*@roko Here's type updated.*This one gives more place for a mark to come in the first plan, it's more subtle than the first one...

Rokac Oct. 01 '10

Yep I like this layout more than the previous one.*I know I'm boring but you could also try to make the %22of%22 in lower case and italic. That would spice the type a bit:)

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

Thats definitely worth exploring.*No, you're not boring - you're very constructive!

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

One more time type updated based on rokos feedback.*Thanks roko works nice this way, athough I liked prev. vesion too...

Lecart Oct. 01 '10

turned out great, i like it better this way.

contrast8 Oct. 01 '10

this looks much better, but maybe reduce litlle the mark.. just thinking :)

Rokac Oct. 01 '10

Nice update Andrej, nice.*I'm with Deividas, reduce the size of the mark and maybe slightly increase the size of %22of%22:-)

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

huh guys you're giving me a hard time now...wait a little it's coming...

Rokac Oct. 01 '10

Sweet. Definitely better.

raja Oct. 01 '10

just two lines and you have versatile logo with great aesthetic quality - students looking at this should make note in the power of simplicity**well done hyperborea

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

Great! This is definitely one of my works that I'm emotionally connected with in a special way!

hyperborea Oct. 01 '10

Thanks raja I appreciate it!

Pierro Oct. 01 '10

Awesome work man!

JoePrince Oct. 01 '10

This has a great feel to it.

Noetic Brands Oct. 01 '10

Roko giving live coaching! lol. Very nice mark Andrej..im just indifferent about type. Not sure if san serif would be a better option... but none the less Its got a very inviting and strong feel as JoePrince says.

hyperborea Oct. 02 '10

thanks Joe and thanks Riz!

crislabno Oct. 03 '10

and this is a true logo! great mark

Rokac Oct. 03 '10

Glad to see this in the gallery. Once again nice work Andrej%3B)

fogra Oct. 03 '10

Really great work! It aptly conveys Kinsale and overall what it essentially stands for.

hyperborea Oct. 03 '10

Thanks all. Sean you were there in Kinsale for real? seems like the great place based on my researches. I'm glad I nailed it if you say so. Chers!

sdijock Oct. 03 '10

Nice mark - saw the shield right away. I've been to Kinsale, very quaint little town. The type looks good but did you try stacking it on two lines? It might help balance out things a bit and give your logo a nice vertical look. Just a thought.

kugelis Oct. 03 '10

I like it a lot. Thanks :)

cerise Oct. 03 '10

Solid logo...great work

vergad Oct. 03 '10

i like this very much. nicely done with the mark taking form of the shield. strong logo

rjschutt Oct. 03 '10

Did you design the font yourself?

hyperborea Oct. 04 '10

Thank you all for floates!*@Ryan: No, the typeface is Amasis with a little bit of manually adjusted kerning.

logoboom Oct. 04 '10

I think this is quite interesting.

AlexWende Oct. 04 '10

very cool and uniqe! I like the whole form which has a feel of a modern crest, very well executed

firebubble design Oct. 12 '10

I love this logo, the colours, the mark, the type. Really nice design.

yesh801 Oct. 14 '10

I was in Kinsale last week. You've absolutely captured this beautiful place in the mark. Well done.

muse7 Nov. 29 '10

I love the marriage of modern and classic. It sounds as though you successfully conveyed the essence of the resort. congrats!

hyperborea Nov. 30 '10

Thank you very much. Appreciate it.

sandrosandro Jan. 06 '11

Great mark, I like the way you divided green and blue. Also for typography it would be much better if it was Port and Kinsale in small capse (not faux one), so that %22of%22 would fit perfectly.

hyperborea Jul. 18 '11

Worth to mention that this one is published in Gareth Hardys %22Smashing Logo Design%22 book :) TY Gareth.


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