Hey Sushi

by humanot • Uploaded: Jul. 07 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07


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Description: A modern, inventive sushi bar in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Shiro Maguro Tempura ... best roll by far.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 49962

Lets Discuss

onesummer Jul. 07 '07

by far one of my favorite logos I've seen on here. I can't put my finger on it, but I definitely got a sweetspot for this one.

bogdanv Jul. 07 '07

yeah! i like the grungy, modern style! good job!

nido Jul. 07 '07

awsome humanot...

kaimere Jul. 07 '07

very nice indeed ... thrown a bit by the treatement but makes it unique ... very cool

firebrand Jul. 07 '07

Top drawer as usual.

robertscully Jul. 08 '07

Perfect humanot. Love the mark and the font choice I would want to see what the sign is going to look like for the restaurant are you picking the material?

ahab Jul. 08 '07

Very very cool. I love this one...such style.

humanot Jul. 08 '07

wow guys ... thanks for the feedback and compliments. this project is still in the works, so the details of everything are still in the air.

longtooth Jul. 09 '07

Looks good! Sidenote: Are they on Clark near Diversey? If so, this is a big improvement.

admarcbart Jul. 09 '07

I wondered when this one was finally going to be on here. I have admired this logo for some time. Nice work!

redhotdezignz Jul. 09 '07

That's a beautiful design!

dache Jul. 09 '07

Is the final version also with the grunge effect? Is it a good thing to associate the state of being covered with unclean things with food? I guess some can say its weathering but in that case it does not represent a modern place.*In its smaller size on the front page I didnt see the word sushi and it reminded me of a band aid.

Bernard Kowalski Jul. 10 '07

I'm from Van, and to me that definitely does represent a modern sushi place. There aren't many sushi places in Switzerland %3B ) ...or Asian people for that matter.**Great job.

Bernard Kowalski Jul. 10 '07

The style makes me think of Hapa Izakaya, on Robson and Nicola, I think...awesome restaurant, check it out if you haven't.

dache Jul. 10 '07

Bernard, it is not the symbol but the weathering I was refering to in terms of it communicating the idea of something modern. *There are more sushi places and Asian people in Switzerland than you would think, perhaps it is best to see more of the country and understand it better before making such generalizations. I dont even know why you brought it up as it is completely irrelevant to this logo.

raja Jul. 11 '07

humanot, this is vety nice, and being a sushi lover myself, I can tell you I don't see anything 'dirty' or a 'band-aid'

teaberry Jul. 11 '07

This is one of the best I've seen on this site. So beautiful I want to weep.

theuprock Jul. 12 '07

I think it's very nice for a sushi joint, and I'd really like to see the collateral materials for the brand.**One thing though I'm not fond of is your use of textures and gradients/patterns behind all of your submits -- are they really necessary, or just extras?

OcularInk Jul. 12 '07

To me, Sushi is all about the flavor and texture. This logo has both. Very clever in my opinion. :)

Kliment Jul. 13 '07

great work indeed!!!*keep it up!

theuprock Jul. 23 '07

@ Ocularink: I'm okay with the cut-out texture on the rectangle%3B I was speaking more about the circular texture behind the logo. I don't see it as functional, as it seems fairly superfluous to me. I noticed that HUMANOT does this with almost every logo he has in his showcase. Some of them it works for it, like for the hockey logos. Adding it to every logo though isn't necessary, IMO.

Hayes Image Sep. 24 '07

@ theuprock%3B It's just a little watermark to show everyone that this is a Humanot piece, it's no different from writing 'Property of Humanot' on it, except this is more aesthetically pleasing.**I think it adds to the images, as logos look better on paper. To me logo's on an abundance of white screen space have tendency to wash out.

nimhly Dec. 18 '07

Absolutely lovely - very unique and hip, I love it!

ClancyBoy May. 30 '08

The design is fantastic, but may I ask why you chose this particular character? It looks like a Now Hiring/For Rent sign.

THEArtistT Sep. 07 '08

I think the space between the text and the japanese graphic is a bit too big, but otherwise I agree with everyone. It is a beautiful logo. I think the weathering effect looks more like rice paper or seaweed wrap texture to my way of thinking. Lovely really.

JAKMANIA Nov. 06 '08

Perfect! Very Japan but cool and modern. I love that colour. Good job, man.

artstander Dec. 17 '08

amazing warmth in this logo%3B immediate favourite. great work.

dozdius Dec. 18 '08

Very Innovative....

solidcreative Jan. 18 '09

doesn't really work with the impact of the name ... but it looks great.**

firebrand Mar. 29 '09

Humanot is alive and well.

nido Mar. 29 '09

%5Eoh.. cool.. you spoke to him?

Petro Jul. 08 '09

Realy modern, but very traditional! I like it! Bravo!

Type08 Nov. 25 '09

Good to see this in Club 100. Pity it took almost 31 thousand views, but it really deserves the spot. Gratz!

fogra Nov. 25 '09

Damn, I thought I had floated this years ago.

milou Dec. 12 '10

Damn, this is too good...........!

Type and Signs Sep. 29 '11

amazing work ... love it !!

Artista Nov. 27 '12

It\'s awesome. Good work :)

JakubKosla Dec. 29 '12

I love everything about this logo. Mind blowing!


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