by grishabel • Uploaded: Jun. 26 '11
My idea of logo and name for communication company. Full. Full connections.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
haha this is clever :)
ReplyI don't think you need the extra bars. The name says it all in that treatment
Replyyup. I'd get rid of the last two bars. then make the first half of the 'u' about half as tall as it currently is, so it becomes part of the bars. That would look nice and be a great piece. Take a look at actual images of reception bars. Some of them, like the one in the top corner of my current phone, show an icon of a telephone pole that's followed by the four bars. You have an opportunity here to make the 'f' look like a telephone if you really wanted to push this idea hard. But, i think it would work just dandy with just the letters.
Reply%5Esome good ideas there nathan.
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