
by grabbdesigns • Uploaded: Jan. 06 '09


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Description: version 3
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1933

Lets Discuss

grabbdesigns Jan. 06 '09

is this to much? illegible?

Kode Jan. 06 '09

I like where you're going with it, but I think your pushing it with legibility bro!**The typeface has really nice curves!

grabbdesigns Jan. 07 '09

thanks code - appreciate the feedback - not sure where to go with it though...

Kode Jan. 07 '09

I'm so sorry *brianne*, I didn't realize you were a female designer, I've been calling you %22bro%22 all this time. I feel really dumb now :)**Try to add a bit more info about the company / brief that way some of us might be able to give you some ideas to help you out!

grabbdesigns Jan. 07 '09

lol @ kode - it's no big deal about the bro thing**This is just a totally fictional thing - I have a very boring job where I sit in front of the computer all day - I'm supposed to graphic design but i get crappy 10 min jobs so i try to stay busy coming up with stuff but i have felt so creatively void and just need help lol!

grabbdesigns Jan. 07 '09

oh - but the idea for this company (I didn't realize it wasn't there) is that it is for organization products.


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