by grabbdesigns • Uploaded: Jan. 06 '09
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I looks like you could almost place %22iche%22 vertically along the right side of the %22n%22 to create an interesting layout, maybe get an %22elephant%22 or something out of it?
i see what you are saying - elephant huh? everyone is doing elephants lately lol! I will play around with this! thanks again Kode!
You're right about everybody doing elephants, it's becoming a trend for some reason :)**Good luck bro!
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I looks like you could almost place %22iche%22 vertically along the right side of the %22n%22 to create an interesting layout, maybe get an %22elephant%22 or something out of it?
Replyi see what you are saying - elephant huh? everyone is doing elephants lately lol! I will play around with this! thanks again Kode!
ReplyYou're right about everybody doing elephants, it's becoming a trend for some reason :)**Good luck bro!
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