Robin Rutherford, DDS

by bartodell • Uploaded: Jan. 17 '07 - Gallerized: Aug. '09


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Description: For a Cosmetic and Implant Dentist who specializes in the experience of your dental visit. Caring nature for his clients.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 43760

Lets Discuss

senterbrands Apr. 19 '07

thanks for the comments b3nder. I have had a lot of people email me about this one. Its crazy the type of publicity this place gets.

senterbrands May. 22 '07

Thanks I think AHA!! LOL! With a name like that any help would be good for him.

firebrand Jun. 05 '07

Very clever, Bart. How would it work in black and white?

s7even Jun. 30 '07

easily makes my favs list. perfect.

leo Jul. 04 '07

well...what can I say.... great!

guezworks Jul. 06 '07

really great execution.

JWTK Jul. 11 '07

tooo fresh!!! this is design is pure. its this type of work that make me believe that identity design is a noble profession.

admarcbart Jul. 12 '07

Thanks everyone. I appreciate your comments.

motstudio Jul. 18 '07

This is what we call 'brand identity' really stood out and unique :) great work

artboy Aug. 02 '07

Inspirational. Really clever.

admarcbart Aug. 13 '07

Thanks for comments guys.

jnotario Sep. 11 '07

Felicidades, como se te ha ocurrido sacar un corazon de un diente?!!?? muy bueno

admarcbart Sep. 18 '07

Umm can someone translate?

Art Machine Sep. 18 '07

Congrats on how you managed to got a heart out of the shape of a tooth. Very good.*: )

micromundo Oct. 04 '07

Congratulations, a great idea!*

Web Designing Buddy Jan. 16 '08

A simple clear logo..not bad..

bartodell May. 05 '08

Just found out it was published in %22Really Good Logos Explained%22: by Rockport Publishers.

daleharris May. 05 '08

Congratulations Bart!

joelacom Nov. 19 '08

Very nice. There are a lot of dental logos out there and unfortunately they all look alike. This is a great twist on the typical dental tooth. good job.

firebrand Nov. 23 '08

Awesome piece of work. Busy boy, Bart? Don't see much of you these days.

logomotive Aug. 09 '09

Bart, that's pretty much word for word what the guy said that ripped my Sidewinder logo. Funny how one of the first comments was, %22I did not copy anyone else.%22 LOL why would one say that?

raja Aug. 10 '09

oh boy.. at least enjoy the flattery my friend. Again, this is a classic, Bart.**Have to hand it to the design community for looking out for each other.

bartodell Aug. 10 '09

Thanks everyone. I have emailed CrowdSpring as well as a few attorneys that I have on retainer to have a look into this. :)

MomentumMagazine Aug. 10 '09

Nice to see that they withdrew it from the site.

m_molloy Aug. 11 '09

if only all dentist logos could be designed as well as this one.

cobaltcow Aug. 14 '09

wow - delayed addition to the gallery! *I've always like this one. Very nice

niteshthapa Aug. 24 '09

fat bikini girl???*sorry...bartodell , but to me it does have this illusion..

JF Aug. 24 '09

Whoa, niteshthapa, that's really funny!!!!! I didn't see it until you mentioned it, but now that's all I can see. Hahaha.%0D*%0D*And wait...this took two and a half years to make it into the gallery...!?

Snowman134 Oct. 06 '09

It works. it's simple, easy, great choices of colors. Someone mentionned it was inviting, i agree. **I'd be proud to have my name and that logo in print, no doubt!

JoePrince Jan. 11 '10

%5EHaha. I won't be able to look at this the same way now.

logomotive Jan. 11 '10

%5Egotta love those guys with no portfolio going around looking for nothing but negativity. Last 2 comments were not constructive but just trying to discredit another designer. I see it as J.........

bruno veloso Mar. 03 '10

You made a good logo of a dentist.*You made a good and beautiful logo of a dentist USING A TOOTH.*That's one hell of an achievement.

jmutton Aug. 27 '10

Just saw %22this%22: today looks pretty similar to me?

ChrisCooper Oct. 26 '10

Not sure about the %3Ca rel%3Ddofollow href%3D%22 style%3D%22color:inherit%3Bbackground-color: inherit%3Bbackground-image: none%3Bfont-weight:normal%3Btext-decoration:none%3Bcursor:text%22%3Ecolours%3C/a%3E though.*

wiking Feb. 23 '12

Yet another...***What's the expression?*Imitation is the highest form of flattery :)

bartodell Mar. 01 '12

Just sent out two cease and desist letters to the contact info for the websites as well as the webhosts. Hopefully this will be taken care of.

creativelifeform Mar. 26 '12

I've just had a prospective web client send me their branding and this logo has just been basically ripped and copied for them. It's on their business cards/letterheads etc., I've told them we won't be featuring it on the website as it would be copyright infringement. Seems like you made it too goof for its own good!

Tootsyloof Mar. 28 '13

Is it just me, or this is another copy of your nice logo ?

bartodell Apr. 19 '13

Yep another cease and desist letter sent out.

lumavine Sep. 16 '15

Hey that is sad. Especially because they had a good idea in making a heart, and their redraw is well done. But then they had to copy the colors and overlap style, and make it obvious that it's not their idea.

firebrand Sep. 16 '15

It is sad and downright lazy. I stopped tagging my logos for this reason.

Logomotive Sep. 16 '15

Really hurts our industry. I don't know about you all, but I have stopped posting stuff almost entirely. That's how we market ourselves... Very Sad. I Hate Thieves!! yes HATE.

logoholik Oct. 06 '15

pfff... reported...

ClimaxDesigns Oct. 08 '15

Looks like at dribble got her.


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