
by bartodell • Uploaded: Jan. 16 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08


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Description: Fragrance sampling made simple. premier online resource that facilitates the fun and convenient discovery, sampling and selection of new scents (for her & him) from the comfort of ones home. The concept of a atomizer was used as a abstract representation of the brand. I am pleased to announce that Scentplicity has been selected to recieve Logo Of The Day Award for January 21, 2008. Visit for more details.
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Viewed: 12341

Lets Discuss

logomotive Jan. 17 '08

smells good to me and looks good too. I agree tighten the y even weld it to the t.. Another Bart Beauty...

drewboy Jan. 18 '08

Very nice concept - I like the colours, but I agree with Clash that the 'S' is a bit strange.

artboy Jan. 18 '08

Love it, great job. Quite like the S actually!

webreforms Jan. 18 '08

%22Love it, great job. Quite like the S actually!%22**I agree, for its purpose, the flat-top S seems to be good.**How would this work on a white background?

admarcbart Jan. 18 '08

It works quite well on the white background. The white is the dark brown actually on corporate identity items. I uploaded the reversed color version as this is what will be seen on the website.

OcularInk Feb. 09 '08

Another great one, my friend.


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