
by Hiro • Uploaded: Mar. 07 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08


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Description: Ad Agency Logo
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8705

Lets Discuss

dache Mar. 07 '08

Eye catching, very nice

fogra Mar. 07 '08

This logo and your other work is very strong and impactful. Excellent.

djaynoel Mar. 07 '08

I love the mark the colors work beautifully. My only qualms with it is that I am a firm believer that a logo should first work in B%26W, color is only secondary. If this is an Ad agency I am sure they will have the need to print their logo B%26W for example, fax sheets, photo copies, Etc. As designers we owe it to a client to give them a mark that will work across a number of platforms. other than that Great Job!**ps Obviously if this is a web based agency it may make more sense, there are always exceptions to the rule I suppose

dache Mar. 07 '08

djaynoel, not sure how Hiro did it in reality but by making the 'S' white and everything else black it does actually work in a single tone.

logotivity Mar. 07 '08

I would be interested in seeing what it looks like in black and white now that dache says it works with the single tone. It's terrific none the less.

djaynoel Mar. 07 '08

HA HA I stand corrected! I love to be proven wrong. Hiro in that case disregard everything I said above you are the man!

chanpion Mar. 07 '08

Hate to admit it but have to agree with dache here for once. I am sure Hiro has created a mono and a greyscale version as well. and what a lovely mark.

gthobbs Mar. 08 '08

@manolchev: similar but hardly a rip off.

jayred Mar. 08 '08

You guys claiming this is a ripoff have got to be kidding me.

Lawrence Anderson Mar. 08 '08

Can we start banning people that make unsupported rip-off claims? Have you guys ever heard of post-modernism? lol.

SIGN Mar. 09 '08

too much colours, i think, but besides that, very nice

contrabrand Mar. 10 '08

i agree would love to see it in a two color or single color version...love the use of simple shapes nice job

cmn Jun. 02 '08

Hello I made this logo last year for a client in LA, http://www.fillcolors.com/ are very similar to my logo %3D)

yorch Jun. 13 '08

Well, I think they're all rip off of the number eight, the %22S%22 letter, and the infinite icon.%0D*Nice logo.


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