BPC: Best Practice Consultantz

by VanDerPoeldesign • Uploaded: Oct. 03 '07


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Description: Logo made for BPC, The logo is made with one shape, used for the typeface. Greetz Johan van der Poel
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5255

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Dec. 15 '07

What is BPC? What do they do?

ryantoyota Dec. 15 '07

I read it as BPE. They don't actually spell their business name like that do they?

Van Der Poel design Dec. 15 '07

Hayes Image: BPC is a consultancy company. They provide services for businesses in several industries. To be honest I don't have a lot of detail about them.**Ryantoyota: actually they do - it's part of their branding.

ryantoyota Dec. 15 '07

Wow that surprises me. Doesn't seem very professional at all. (The misspelling of the name, not the logo.)

mope Dec. 16 '07

I agree with ryantoyota, it reads more like pbe, I like the logo though.**The way you created the initials is a bit similar to this one: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/14726

Van Der Poel design Dec. 17 '07

ok maybe your right..I read it as a C. but thanx for the comments**And Mope I dont think my initials even look like your logo?!

rfrusso Dec. 17 '07

I read it as bpc.


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