by nido • Uploaded: Sep. 18 '07
for a business that installs sound systems, car stereos, etc....
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Lets Discuss
Yes, I can feel the bass! Very creative.
ReplyHow do you keep the blur/movement when in a single color?
Reply? is a single color.
Replyyou can almost hear it...dude this is killer...please teach how you did this:)
ReplyThats thundering, dude :)))))**I think dache meant monochrome.... for example fax?
Replythank you guys... the thing is there is a 'one color' solution... it doesnt maintain the blur effect or the movement quite as well... its basically the same thing without a fill... %26 just the stroke.. in different weights.. it has a similar effect.
ReplySo in a sense the monochrome version does not retain the movement/blur of this version, which is a pity. Perhaps its best to make a logo work in a single color before the effects.
ReplyI'd love to see the %22one color%22 solution, as although I find this logo neat, I'm with dache when it comes to the importance of a logo working in strictly black and white.
Replyi see what you guys are saying.. but if i was to put this on a whit background it would come out exactly the same.. which works fine as monochrome... ill post a version soon
Replythis rocks!
ReplyLove it! Love it! Love it!! Hey, guess what? I love this.
ReplySuperb. This is really cool, simple and 'cutting edge' for lack of a better term. Congrats.
ReplyDid you ever post that version nido?
Replynope... not yet, what do you think it'll prove?.... im right.. your wrong?.. vice versa?... is my word that it works on white not good enough?... is it that hard for you to imagine it on a white background... but to be completely honest dache.. im just a lazy bum really:)
ReplyReally clever illustrated.
ReplyThank you mofle
ReplyGood concept but it hurts the eye!
ReplyDude, turn it down.*Sweet logo. Faved.
Replywhat???... i cant hear you!.. do the run around???... ok
ReplyKill me ..................!! it Rocks !!
Replyyou are simply one of the best multy talented creatives, it's great to see you arround bro!
ReplyVery clever
Replyit's hilarious hearing 'single colour?' comments, dudes need to step out of the fjords**it's gonna get loud in hear
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