by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Mar. 24 '11


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Description: Just checking if this is an easy read?
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2047

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Mar. 24 '11

I too read BAKKEN, but I suppose it could be BAKHEN maybe ?

Mikeymike Mar. 24 '11

yeah, its Bakken. I know as designer's we look for these kind of reflective letters. Just wondering if it quick enough take to the average viewer. I do like logos that make you have to look twice sometimes though. thoughts?

Hayes Image Mar. 24 '11

I think it's legible enough, the downward stroke of the 2nd K sticks out to me, but wanted to make sure. Oil, chemical or foundry?

Mikeymike Mar. 24 '11

thanks, Josh. I'll check out the 2nd leg. should be the same.*yeah its oil. this isn't the whole logo, but it has to do with the Bakken Oil basin, one of the largest oil fields found in North America. The rational behind this was that most of the oil is trapped between big shale formations, which makes it so hard to extract. Hence the two %22K%22 locking it in. Thanks again for the feed back.

Hayes Image Mar. 24 '11

%22sticks out to me%22 As in I call tell it's a K :) was just clarifying (just in case) as you said %22the average viewer%22 - The lock-in idea seems perfect for the description, I got the 'extraction' concept straight away.

Mikeymike Mar. 24 '11

thanks, Josh.*how's everything down under? My younger brother lived in Darwin for about 5 years or so. Loved it. always wanted to visit. cheers.

Hayes Image Mar. 24 '11

Good thanks :) People up North are having their troubles but so far (touch wood) we're o.k in the South - If you can cope with 90F one day, 45F the next. Inland NSW %26 Vic would be the ideal spots to visit :)

Mikeymike Mar. 24 '11

thanks for the info.

bigoodis Mar. 24 '11

Mike, I think that there is a danger of reading Bakoken or Baoen

Mikeymike Mar. 25 '11

I was wondering about that. Even though I would not know how to pronounce that word. I heard yah though. thanks. (:

dotflo Mar. 25 '11

just an idea Mike, how would it look if you put that oil drip inside letter A

Mikeymike Mar. 25 '11

thanks, Florin. yeah, I looked at that and placing two, one on each side of the %22N%22 going up and down. these directions didn't say %22trapped between to layers of shale%22 like this oil formation is all about. Amy have to rethink. But this is why I like LP, it forces me rethink out loud. Thanks for the insight.

Mikeymike Mar. 25 '11

UPDATED: I took out the actual oil drop and just moved the 2 %22K's%22 closer together. Does it read any easier? thoughts.

Type08 Mar. 25 '11

Def reads better, but now drop looks like a leaf a bit, do you see it?

Mikeymike Mar. 25 '11

yeah, saw that too. Huummm, still working at it. Just feels like I'm close here.


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