Olive Juice

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Jun. 03 '07 - Gallerized: Jun. '07


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Description: I make a lot of custom greeting cards. This one was made for my wife. If you don't know what 'Olive Juice' means, think of it like this. When you mouth the word without being audible, it looks like you are saying 'I love you'. Just something she and I say to each other. Thought I would post it up.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 15912

Lets Discuss

chanpion Jun. 03 '07

Awwwww......olive jiuce 2 Kev.**MAN!!! MAJOR GOOSEBUMPS!!!**This is sooo coool but.

arabicdes Jun. 04 '07

I liked the way you made the 'O' looks like a stuffed olive.%0D*very nice..%0D**Olive Juice all :D*

CreationNation Jun. 04 '07

Smokin' man, very cool logo! You need to create a product now just so you can use that logo :) .

OcularInk Jun. 04 '07

Hmm, maybe I can create a line of greeting cards...hmmm. Thanks, guys!!**@ Chanpion - Man, I've always wanted to give you goosebumps. My mission in life is complete!! :P

nido Jun. 04 '07

ba a MAN %26 jus tell her you love her.... none of this olive-shmolive stuff!!! **....but nice%3B)

OcularInk Jun. 04 '07

Hey, when you get a girlfriend, then you can talk. HAHA!**Thanks, mate!!

nido Jun. 04 '07

i have a wife.. does wife not count?

OcularInk Jun. 04 '07

Man, how does she put up with all your nonsense? :P Nah, she's got herself a good man. And a talented one at that.

dreamerworx Jun. 04 '07

Make an olive oil or something, this is woth exploiting even more :)))) Sweet :P

amyblandford Jun. 04 '07

I love this!*it's perfect.

LOGOMOTIVE Jun. 04 '07

VERY nice Kevin. I Love Olives :-)

OcularInk Jun. 04 '07

@ dreamerworx : Ah, another great idea! And thanks for the compliment, dreamer!**@ amyblandford : Thank-you!!**@ Logomotive : Thanks, Mike. Funny thing, Melissa loves Olives too. I can't stand them!! :P

graphicoutlaw Jun. 06 '07

Very neat! As everybody else has said the Olive is great.

kellyoneill May. 01 '08

Kevin, Hi! Great logo, and of course the girl in me loves the sentiment behind it. (awwww). Thanks so much for your critiques on my logos. I'm excited to get into Illustrator the way I've gotten into Photoshop. Your comments were very helpful. I'll talk to you soon! And thanks for sending people to my site :)

OcularInk May. 01 '08

Hehe...thanks, Kelly. Keep it up. :-)

muse7 Feb. 26 '10

Love the logo - and the story behind it - just cake. :)

OcularInk Feb. 26 '10

%3D%5ED Thanks, Ashley.

Rca Ieftin Jul. 29 '11

What font have you used ? The colors are well choices and I believe the entire result is well done. You have a vote from me !


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