by firebrand • Uploaded: Oct. 30 '08
Old news now but I did this over a year ago with all the controversy surrounding the Olympics logo.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
I see Lisa is still at it
Replyit's very subtle, but I think you are trying to say something ... gimme a moment, i'll figure it out:)
ReplySorry Roy, I wasn't calling you Lisa. was it not Neville Brody who said that the London 2012 logo looks like Lisa Simpson performing a sex act on Bart Simpson?
ReplyLOL! I must have missed that quote. Priceless.
ReplyI hate that london therefore I love this one.
Replygreat visual Roy!
Replyhahaha :)
Replylol :)))
Replyhehehe...yep good call Roy!
ReplyThanks guys, I like to do my bit for the community.
Replyi like the london logo
Replyi hate the london logo, although i loved Wally Olins work
Replyhahahah great
ReplyI don't just hate this logo, but I hate everything on Wolff Olins and their weirdos (some people actually call them DESIGNERS, what an insult to us)**With the money they get on it's stupid logotypes I could get a team hiring some people from Logopond and make a badass design team that would kick Wolff Olins ass at the speed of light.**Fire, this little logotype you made kicks the ass out of any logo they would ever make in billion of years.
ReplyRant-tastic, Matheus. Glad it struck a chord.
Replyneed a bigger bin!
Replythe olympic 2012 logo is avant garde, believe me you will like it till die when 2012 come. Wolf Ollins has great vision.
ReplyThey do say that we'll be ready to accept it in 2012 - but I'm not convinced.
Replyhey... we accepted the war in Iraq! %3B)
ReplyThe 2012 logo is terrible avant garde crap. I agree with Matheus 100%25. Firebrand you kick ass.
Replythat's it! that what it deservers! :D
ReplyWhat a perfect place for it!
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