marble+vine logo design

by extrafindesign • Uploaded: Nov. 27 '16 - Gallerized: Nov. '16


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Description: Logo mark for marble + vine treeless paper products
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6852
Tags: ethical natural nature recycled

Lets Discuss

extrafindesign Nov. 30 '16

Thank you for featuring my marble vine logo design.
You can find out more about the treeless paper making process (!) and see some of my pattern designs at

Jasmtin12 Nov. 22 '22

I think logo design is a very important part of branding. A logo should be simple and easy to remember. It should have a personality that is unique and the company name should be the focal point of the logo. Go to this for best graphic logos. When I was in school, I always used to make logos for my projects. I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop from my teacher who taught us how to make logos for our projects.


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