by ejefferi • Uploaded: Aug. 15 '12
Work in progress for T-Rex Theaters. Trying to go with playful look to offset T-Rex name to still be approachable by kids. Goes along with cartoon T-Rex character that will be on screen. Trying to give essence of dinosaur/T-Rex in X in the most primitive way.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
Really like the idea and concept. Here's a few things that might make this gel together. Make the X even more ominous so it sort of looms above the other characters to the left. Stage presence! How you do that is up to you. 'Theaters' can be in normal stance without any manipulation. Love the colors, love the comical aspect. GL!
ReplyThank you so much for the feedback! Seriously you don't know how much I appreciate it. I made a bunch of edits and am liking the changes (the suggestions we awesome). If you have time to look at the other logo and have an opinion on it I more than welcome it!
ReplyFrom your description, if you want it to be playful and understandable to kids, what you have right now does not convey that. Even for an adult it is hard to see the Rex in the X. I would work on the legs, I think the legs are smaller and thinner than the top of the body. Also kids love eyes, so if you can stick a simple eye, it will instantly give it away.The letter T is bent out of shape, not sure if you wanted to give it the shaky look so it shows it is scared, but if so, do not get into too much detail. Again average person does not see all this, specially kids. Also your T is off balance with the THEATERS below it. Proper kerning with THEATERS will do.
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