by downwithdesign • Uploaded: Dec. 29 '08
My Logo.
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down with design
Client work
Lets Discuss
Viva la Revolucion!
ReplyCheers, the more I look at it the more I want to use it. I guess there's always that %22striving for perfection%22 notion we have as designers when we create work for ourselves that is putting a doubt in my mind. However, this logo actually means a lot to me because whilst I am totally in love with graphic design there are also times when I can't stand it. A love/hate relationship so to speak...
Replyyes but whilst I sometimes say %22Down With Design%22 I am at heart still %22Down With Design%22. And then I %22Get Up%22 like Mr. James Brown %3B)
ReplySmart work Gareth
ReplyCheers Cerise, I'm still mulling over it hmm...
ReplyI could do with some help...*Does everyone think I should keep this or go for a different name? I'm finding it hard to get a domain every time I think of something that I like.
ReplyI kinda like the angry 19 year old attitude in this. I say keep it. It translates because I think all 'artists' are part angry teen in some way.
ReplyCheers for the input Trish, I guess I'll keep searching for %22the perfect solution%22 for a while longer. If not then as Michael Jackson recently said here in the UK.....this is it.
ReplyMeh good domain names are few and far between these days, especially anything with the word design in it. I say keep this.
ReplyAgreed Lundeja. I'm 100%25 gonna use this now. Just need to iron out the edges some...
Replygood for you... Viva la Revolucion!
Replycheers man...relief!
Replyseriously... you dont know how good this is!
Replyhaha thanks dude! Me and my logo have finally resolved our issues and we are officially back in love with one another.
ReplyCongrats on getting featured, Gareth! Well deserved :D
ReplyYes Congrats on featured artist Gareth.
ReplyYou're the man. Interestingly enough, I've honestly had a hunch that you would be the next featured designer since probably about late December.
ReplyCongratulations on the featured designer, Gareth. Your new brand looks great.
ReplyCongrats on the feature Gareth.
ReplyGood work congrats
Replythumbs up on the feature, killer folio you got there!
ReplyCongrats buddy! Well deserved! Take the torch and carry it proudly! :)
ReplyIt must have taken some effort to prise it from your hand, Alen %3B)
ReplyWell done on the feature mate!! :)
ReplyCongrats on finally knocking that Alen fella off the throne lol
ReplyHahhhaaaaaaa! Guys, can we still be friends? LOL
ReplyViva la Revolucion!*
Replycongratulation my friend! well well deserved!
Replylolz, so after Alen we go Down With Design! Nice! Congrats Gareth! Well deserved!
ReplyThank you ever so much, everyone! I only just found out and I'm really stoked!%0D*%0D*It really is an honour to be recognised by such a great community as this, it's all up with design from now on, not down, so let's all continue to support logopond as much as we can. %0D*%0D*@firebrand: Roy, that means a lot, I'm finally comfortable with it representing both myself %26 my work, thank you.%0D*%0D*and finally...%0D*%0D*@nima: I still ain't got a clue what that means! LOL%0D*%0D*Viva la Revolucion!
ReplyYou deserve it. Keep it up. :)
Reply... is it me... or does it feel like gareth has been the featured dude for way too long?!?!
Replyhaha! viva!!
Replygood for you gareth!
Replybelated congrats but congrats all the same, well done and definitely deserved! - keep up the great work
ReplyKudos, bud!!
Replyis niiiice :D
Replyreally like it, i want a t shirt whit it please!
ReplyI am pleased to announce that this logo was NOT selected for Logolounge VI.
ReplyLOL! Sorry to hear that G! Don't worry, there will be more books on logos, you probably didn't meet the trends they set up %3B) %3B)
ReplyThat surprises me...%26 not in a good way :(
Replyhehe I'm only joking, I didn't even submit it %3B)
Replybut if you did ???
ReplyGood one Gar! LOL *Josh, don't worry, he just set up a bad karma with this joke, he won't get this logo in any one of those now! :)
Replyarhhh!! The hand chosen by the Master...The sword of Michael !!?
ReplyI am proud to announce that I just ate all of my dinner.
ReplyHaha, nice one, %0D*i am proud to annouce that your comment make my day!!! haha!
ReplyI am proud to announce that I went to Boots to buy hair gel and came out with a single toothbrush
Reply%5E i am pleased to announce that I am proud of you Euan.
ReplyI am proud of you being proud! :%3E
ReplySorry, guys, I didn't mean to use the word %22Proud%22, yikes, I guess I did look like a dweeb.
Reply%5E ooops didn't mean to sound like I was taking the mick out of you Sean, just friendly banter is all. FWIW I could not eat all of my dessert.
ReplyHa! Oh, I know, no probs, man. I saw someone else's logo lounge announcement and just copied and pasted it!
Replyhaha I never knew you said that, Sean! Anyway, it is something to be proud of anyway :)
ReplyI'm proud to announce that Gareth got work published but he's much too modest.
ReplyI guess others have said it too, I'm just paranoid - it's my nickname ya know!
ReplySmall successes. There is no bigger things than that, huh?
ReplyI'm shameful to announce i haven't floated this before...**Guess I should join Logolounge, not quite sure what I'm missing out on though!
ReplyYikes. (Sean hides in corner and stops posting)
ReplyEuan, getting work published one of those first time in the gallery (and on the front cover of CA) kind of feelings - always nice but the novelty eventually wears off and its nice to see others getting a bit of recognition.
ReplyI am proud to announce that yesterday I learned how to knit a urethra
ReplyWow that is surreal. Like your uterus logo. %3B)
Replyhahaha@roy..uterus it was**gareth, what did you get selected? cmon, bragging is the new humble
Reply@raja nothing worth bragging about %3B)%0D*%0D*congrats to all, onto the next achievement....
ReplyApparently I neglected to float this guy as well... Fixed %3B)
Replyim proud to have said nothing in this %22proud%22 conversation... ***:%AC%60
ReplyI am proud of Sean knowing about the term 'dweeb'! %3B)
ReplyLove the irony.
ReplyI like how the box almost looks like a mad mouth shouting it out loud. good work!
ReplyLovely typography)
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