by downwithdesign • Uploaded: Dec. 30 '07
X-treme sports brand.
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Nicely illustrated. I think I get the concept, but would love to know your thoughts on it.
ReplyHey oc, thanks for the interest. See Evil (as the client puts it) is a new x-treme sports fashion label aimed at 16-30 year olds. The name represents the inner demon in the athlete that is released upon an adrenaline rush and also focusing upon your goals and abilities. I decided to play on the old three wise monkeys expression yet in this case it translates as, hear no evil, speak no evil, see evil. I know, I don't make any sense but its 4am here! If anyone wants a t-shirt give me an email %3B) :-P :D**Yea, after reading your explanation I get it, but I had no idea what is meant before. However, this logo has that funky/extreme feel even without knowing the ideas behind it.
ReplyWhy not...
Replysize small. i'm little. :-P
Replythis is a nice concept**tshirt %3E%3E*
ReplyHaha, poor gareth is going to be overwhelmed with t-shirt requests.
Replywoah, I didn't expect this kind of response, I've only got one to give away and seen as Kevin got in first he can have it %3B)
Replynooooooooo, lol.
ReplyThe last face appears to be beaten-up, with missing teeth and a black eye.**I don't know how a that communicates %22Extreme Sports%22, but I do like the style! Keep working on it, and you'll get closer!
Replyread my first post logopogo %3B)
ReplyBeaten-up, with missing teeth and a black eye communicates 'Extreme Sports' perfectly. I should know. Let me begin...3rd degree concussion, broken toe, sprained ankle, broken leg, 7 staples to the head, and enough bruises and cuts to coat my entire body. Surprisingly, I'm still in one piece. :-P P.S. I'm a skateboarder, snowboarder, and wakeboarder.
ReplyHe's not really, he just gets picked on a lot %3B)
ReplyYeah logopogo, you can't be involved in 'extreme' sports (or any kind of 'hard' sports really) without receiving some kind of injury ...%26 if you do, you're not trying hard enough :P**My worst injury%3B playing (Australian) football, busted hip when I was 15, it has since been corrected but my left leg became 1.5-2 inches shorter than the right, good times, good times...**Love the logo Gareth.
ReplyYou must have a killer walk, Hayes. Gets all the ladies, huh? LOL!! J/K
Replylol :P Yeah used to get my Quasimodo on!! All good now mate, got fixed up about 3 years ago :)
Reply@ Hayes: Good to hear. :-)**@ Gareth: I got my shirt. It rocks, dude. Thanks so much!!
Replyno worries man, glad you like it...
ReplyThe two most extreme things I have seen are Australian rules football %26 shinty, which is an Irish %26 Scottish %22game%22 like a cross between football, rugby %26 hockey. You can hit folk with the sticks as well. No protection. Hardcore %5B _ %5D
Reply%26 your logo sums up shinty nicely Gareth! I like it, especially the grim on the last monkey.
ReplyLove the concept. The repetition brings a dynamic feel to the design. Great illustration, easily recognizable logo. Great job!
Replycheers %3B)
ReplyThis is defo extreme. And a monkey too, my nickname! Love it! Drewboy I used to play Shinty at School and had quite a few scrapes, my chest used to stay bruised for weeks from stopping a ball as hard as a rock that had just been hit about 100 yards. Remember a couple of guys getting knocked out... Although I don't remember much anymore... :%7C**As for Skating a guy I skated with lost a testie, no jokes. Did a kickflip about 10 foot of the ground from a roof and fudged it up, the deck landed square on his nads. His mum held it in till he got to the hospital. But it was a goner :o
ReplyI love the illustration of this! it reminds me of the style from the gorillaz.... fab!
Replyvery good stuff here**congrats
ReplyNice mark.
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