Dan Hardy

by downwithdesign • Uploaded: Oct. 11 '12 - Gallerized: Jul. '13


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Description: Logo for my brother who is a web developer.
As seen on: www.danielrhyshardy.com
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6790

Lets Discuss

T-Sovo Oct. 16 '12

solid, original, and right on point. how would it worked with lowercase while keeping the AA ?

itsgareth Oct. 25 '12

Thanks T-Sovo. I see what you mean. That way it kind of made the A\'s look more like a ^ (anyone know the name for that symbol by the way?) so we decided to keep it all in uppercase so that they didn\'t stand out so much. I think the more subtle reference to the // used in http:// works better.

Rokac Oct. 25 '12

Nice one. Digging that \"y\".

ClimaxDesigns Jul. 23 '13

^ < 'carat'

Love this all the way around, as a web developer my self i got it instantly. and its not just http:// all code tags are written with /> to end the tag

aalok89 Jul. 23 '13

Love it. I wonder what it would look like if you made the type vertical so the carats were facing each other. Don't know if it would affect readability, but it could be more powerful. Well done.

rudy hurtado Jul. 24 '13

Simple and effective Gareth.

Rokac Jul. 25 '13

Refreshing to see a simple logo in the gallery. Always liked this one Gareth.

ocularink Jul. 25 '13

Smart, simple and just right.

downwithdesign Jul. 29 '13

Thanks for the kind words, Dan is chuffed to bits :)


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