A little tester.

by downwithdesign • Uploaded: Aug. 01 '12


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Description: What do you see?
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2538

Lets Discuss

itsgareth Aug. 01 '12

Interesting. Thanks :)

itsgareth Aug. 03 '12

Thanks for all the guesses. Back to the drawing board me thinks :)

itsgareth Aug. 16 '12

It's meant to say JBN, but looks like I'm going to have to buy a new piece of wood :)

Atomicvibe Aug. 16 '12

Gareth, I really love the concept and the technical execution, and with a little bit of tweaking, I think you can get this to work.

Hayes Image Aug. 16 '12

It's hard to define where each letter starts & ends, maybe if the line weight changed between them it would make a clearer separation i.e J bold, B light, N bold.

nydesign Aug. 27 '12

nice concept. while the texturing looks nice, not sure of the lettering.

itsgareth Aug. 27 '12

^ Thanks for the comments and I completely agree. As a result we've both agreed to explore a different route where the focus won't be on the initials but more on a symbol. This render you see now wouldn't have been the logo artwork itself for this concept, but more a mock up of how it would be used on wood. This project is for a woodcraft company and so it's important to see how it would look engraved or burnt using a branding iron into wood. Back to the chopping block :)

effendy Aug. 27 '12

J B V. But no doubt this looks very interesting Gareth.

THEArtistT Aug. 27 '12

My initial thought was NBN actually. It looks really, really cool.


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