by dotflo • Uploaded: Feb. 08 '12
Proposal for a utility mountaineering company, letter "a" combined with a carabiner to create the symbol.
Client work
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Got the idea right away! Good job, Florin :)
Replyim very familiar with rock climbing but i d definitely try to explore more with the carabiner. very nice idea and very clear but functionally the carabiner is wrong in many aspects. there is many styles and a lot of room for to play:) hope u dont find my comment retarded lol. just wanna help in my way :)
Replyno problem t-sovo, thanks for leaving you feedback, just that i did not tried to make a 1 to 1 illustration of a carabiner, this is more of a abstract representation. Seeing letter %22a%22 and getting that this is a carabiner is what I was after.*@Paulis thanks mate
Replyand there is definitely room to play I agree :)
Replyi just ment that the carabiner appears for example unsafe because of the short gate or unsuitable for use because of the narrow bottom, or top more or less. so representing a technical object in a right way is representing the company in the right way :) and you can still make it look like an A :)
Reply:) working on a more refined version as we speak, thanks for the technical info here %3B)
Replya little update here - after some touches on the mark and after presenting a more real-life carabiner, the client decided to go further with this abstract representation of a carabiner, and I went creating a type to match the style of the mark.
ReplySuperb!!! )
Replythanks, was a very fun project :)
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