
by dotflo • Uploaded: Feb. 08 '12


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Description: Proposal for a utility mountaineering company, letter "a" combined with a carabiner to create the symbol.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4852
Tags: climbing safety mountain

Lets Discuss

Paulius Kairevicius Feb. 08 '12

Got the idea right away! Good job, Florin :)

t-sovo Feb. 09 '12

im very familiar with rock climbing but i d definitely try to explore more with the carabiner. very nice idea and very clear but functionally the carabiner is wrong in many aspects. there is many styles and a lot of room for to play:) hope u dont find my comment retarded lol. just wanna help in my way :)

dotflo Feb. 09 '12

no problem t-sovo, thanks for leaving you feedback, just that i did not tried to make a 1 to 1 illustration of a carabiner, this is more of a abstract representation. Seeing letter %22a%22 and getting that this is a carabiner is what I was after.*@Paulis thanks mate

dotflo Feb. 09 '12

and there is definitely room to play I agree :)

t-sovo Feb. 09 '12

i just ment that the carabiner appears for example unsafe because of the short gate or unsuitable for use because of the narrow bottom, or top more or less. so representing a technical object in a right way is representing the company in the right way :) and you can still make it look like an A :)

dotflo Feb. 09 '12

:) working on a more refined version as we speak, thanks for the technical info here %3B)

dotflo Feb. 27 '12

a little update here - after some touches on the mark and after presenting a more real-life carabiner, the client decided to go further with this abstract representation of a carabiner, and I went creating a type to match the style of the mark.

dotflo Apr. 24 '12

thanks, was a very fun project :)


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