by deiv • Uploaded: Apr. 01 '11 - Gallerized: Apr. '11
b-boy is known as breaker boy (breakdancer) and there is a baby boy, maybe breaker baby boy! In freeze position ;) lovely, a?
Just for fun
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what a surprise i can say....!!!
ReplyOH Yeaaah!*Fast %26 Furious :D*Congrats, DEIV!
Replymany thanks, Leo! really suprised me.. today will have a workout in a gym with my homies dancers!
Replythis is great man. funny as hell.
Replylike the kid-breakdancer %3D)
Replyreally really nice
Replyohooo boy !!!
Replythank you a lot for your floats and inspiring comments. much appreciate it than you think %3B)
Replyfun, Deiv. break on!
ReplyI kno, it's you! :D the break of dawn!
ReplyOu, good boy!
ReplyI think that he rocks it on this: :)
Replythanks a lot! Mike, yeah! Arnas, you know too much! :D Luma, yes yes ya'll! Alena, thanks :) Alen, yep! This rocks crazy! Back to the oldschool!
Replyliking it
Replykewl.. very kewl.
Replythis piece is soooo great !!**by the way ... thanx for the warm words !!!
ReplyPerfect one.
Replylooks cool
Replyno self-respecting bboy would associate with this logo. not badly executed, just offensive. if someone bought me a shirt with this logo, i would feel compelled to burn it.
Replyoh, knappador, so damn good b-boy to burn it? :) offensive? why? just curious...
Replyit reminds me of nothing i love about bboying and kinda pidgeonholes the whole identity into a kind of cuteness that is incapable of including about 99%25 of what bboying actually is. it's like putting a face on nirvana. representation-- encapsulation breaks the whole of what bboying is.
Replyyou do not understand something here i guess. I agree. Bboying is not a hoby it is a life way you know it is passion to everything you do but there is different something. Baby boy goes on freez, you can interpretate it whatever you want, but you need to know more about it. I would be very happy to make these shirts to my child. It is cute and represent something very interesting especialy to kid. With this logo i am not trying to put your as a real master blaster bboy king attention. I am trying to remind people that bboying is still alive, just to remind this. And it has a lot of good on its own. Keep on great foot. And remember... FIGHT NOT ON COMMENTS, FIGHT ON THE FLOOR %3B) cheers.
Reply:) cute. reminded me of this video.
Replysuper Deividas!:)
Reply%5E Yup. Namesakes.
ReplyThat's cute and funny, Deividas!
ReplyHaha, awesome style and colors. Very appropriate.
ReplyLove the color tone, nice one!
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