Soda Shop com

by creativeheart • Uploaded: Jul. 16 '08 - Gallerized: Jul. '08


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Description: Soda Shop com
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Viewed: 6129

Lets Discuss

brandsimplicity Jul. 17 '08

Yep!.This has such a great feel to it.

bpotstra Jul. 17 '08

This is just dying for some colour though...

tdf Jul. 17 '08

I dig the b%26w...

hindmarshdesign Jul. 17 '08

the font looks like Ren %26 Stimpy! especially the %22o%22 in This is awesome. Ditto to loving black and white.%0D*

okke Jul. 18 '08

Really like the logo, but would also love to see it in color. Might give it an extra %22spark%22.

muSCle Jul. 18 '08

I like it, though is does look like litter on the street... leading to negative connotations?**Just my initial reaction... it is cool though!!

creativeheart Jul. 19 '08

thanks for the comments. I have it in color, I just need to find it. this logo is a couple years old. I was going through one of my old drives and found it. **

creativeheart Jul. 19 '08

It's funny when I did the logo, I never thought of trash, but now that you say that I can see where that might come in. It may be bad or maybe not, the site sold vintage items - maybe old discarded items to some, but treasure to others.

bpotstra Jul. 20 '08

I don't think it resembles trash... maybe if the can were crushed it might.

jessicacrawford Sep. 20 '08

This is great! Like everyone else, I would like to see it with a bold red or blue color. B%26W def. works by itself though.


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