by contrast8 • Uploaded: Oct. 25 '10 - Gallerized: Jul. '12
wip. logo for ral estate company. any thougts? thanks
Client work
Lets Discuss
This is great mr D.
Replyapriciated Milosz:)
Replyyeah! that's what i'm talking about! great work, Deividas :) biski desiniau reik stumtelt del atsvaros :D
ReplyI like this, house is a nice size in this concept.
ReplyReally nice one, Deividas. But maybe that line which goes into the house could be blue not that little one? :P
Replycia kartu ir veliava pavaizduota, nes ta kompanija turi daug filialu salyje.
ReplyReally nice DB.
ReplyIdomiai idomiai tuomet, kazkaip net neatejo i galva, bet man kazkaip vistiek noretusi, kad tas namukas pavirstu melynu :)
ReplyNice work Deividas!! :)
Replyso american...that's nice.....I can see the money flow :)
ReplyNice sign! I love it! :)
ReplyI think the simple type goes smooth with the sign.
Very good job
Replyvery nice.
Replyreminds me of the cancellation marking they put over a stamp once its used at the post office. was that the intention?
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