by choerte • Uploaded: May. 10 '08 - Gallerized: May. '08
A two color version of the logo.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Good concept, but I think the leaf could look more natural.
ReplyThe leaf looks a little forced, maybe more of a branch coming out of the top.
ReplyAfter concentrating on negative space, I think it is a curling leaf. Is it?
ReplyYes, bai, it's supposed to be a curling leaf. Didn't want it to be too realistic, but I will try and see what it looks like if I make it more like a real leaf. Thanks, everyone.
ReplyUpdated the logo with a new leaf :)
ReplyLooks a lot better.
ReplyThis is nice. I'd like to see the %221%22 a bit more stylized, but I like the concept a lot. You might work with the type a bit more as well, I think it could be refined some more.
Replytypo Should be further : ) nice logo design
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