by c4creative • Uploaded: Jul. 15 '10
Proposed logo for an inner city apartment project.
Work in progress
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this is a trend of sorts right?.. being used a lot lately... however, having said that.. I do really like this... the 601 at the back has great depth with the colours applied and the font stands out great.. cool..
ReplyYeah, you're producing some nice work C4.
Reply...just dont make plastics...
ReplyHa, thanks guys.
ReplyReally nice! *nido, what do you mean is the trend here?
Replyquite a bit of it... the counters in the %22O%22 %26 %220%22 being knocked out and the effect applied to the %22601%22.. I believe logolounge referred to the latter as %22peep show%22: %3Cclick... Ive also seen it used often lately.. could find links if you like :) ...but I do like the way the colours are used here over in many other places... **(hope I got the use of %22counter%22 right.. first time im using that :s.. also anyone else getting fed up of having to write %22click%22 every time now when posting a link?)
Reply%5Eyep. It's really annoying to do that. I reckon David wanted to trick the spammers :) but i highly doubt it'll make them disappear... click here feels like nineties :)
Replybtw, nice and trendy :) logo!
ReplyThanks for the feedback logoholik!
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