Urban Mobile

by bujang_keparat • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '08


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Description: This is the logo of the company where I worked at. My boss ask me to draw him a logo with a 'leaf' on it. He said, he want to back to the nature :) Critique and Rating please...
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5793

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Feb. 18 '08

Conceptually... urban and leaf don't jive for me. The execution is also week.

bujang_keparat Feb. 18 '08

I've also told my boss so for the concept, but he insist to ask me to draw it, you know, the boss' always right man... :) thanx anyway

gthobbs Feb. 19 '08

Indeed. Been there before.

devgrue Feb. 20 '08

nice..i like this logo..but i agree with mr.gthobbs, gthobbs said:*%22Conceptually... urban and leaf don't jive for me. The execution is also week...%22**but actually this is good,have a character, ....**%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D*nilainya 8 dech..*sayang tulisane..heheheh


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