by bujang_keparat • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '08
This is the logo of the company where I worked at. My boss ask me to draw him a logo with a 'leaf' on it. He said, he want to back to the nature :)
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Conceptually... urban and leaf don't jive for me. The execution is also week.
ReplyI've also told my boss so for the concept, but he insist to ask me to draw it, you know, the boss' always right man... :) thanx anyway
ReplyIndeed. Been there before.
Replynice..i like this logo..but i agree with mr.gthobbs, gthobbs said:*%22Conceptually... urban and leaf don't jive for me. The execution is also week...%22**but actually this is good,have a character, ....**%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D*nilainya 8 dech..*sayang tulisane..heheheh
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