Kopi Logo

by bujang_keparat • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '08


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Description: 'Kopi' is an Indonesian term for 'Coffee'. I create this logo for my forthcoming coffee shop business with my friends :) Critics and Ratings please...
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4325

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Feb. 18 '08

Love it. At first was looking for reason for the color break. Then I saw the cup. I love a little bit of discovery process.

linewisherman Feb. 18 '08

sip om... apik...*umpomo aku kon milih, aku milih iki tiwas sink sitok e

gthobbs Feb. 18 '08

I see your point linewisherman. But I don't think the fact that caffeine causes you to wet the bed nightly is any reason to discount this particular design. It's still a nice solution. Perhaps Depends Under Garments could be a nice solution for you. We feel your pain. Well not really. At least not for the past 30 years or so.


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