by brandmantra • Uploaded: Sep. 07 '09
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Description: For fun Status: Just for fun Viewed: 4432 Share:
good type. space between L and W is too big I think though.
Nice idea! Agree with milou about spacing.
I read %22tall wear%22 as in %22clothing for big and tall%22. I'm guessing that's because of an extra loose kerning between L and W and the crossbar on the mark reminding of a height measurement marker.
sad to say, but the mark seemed a little fallos to me. Great type though!
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good type. space between L and W is too big I think though.
ReplyNice idea! Agree with milou about spacing.
ReplyI read %22tall wear%22 as in %22clothing for big and tall%22. I'm guessing that's because of an extra loose kerning between L and W and the crossbar on the mark reminding of a height measurement marker.
Replysad to say, but the mark seemed a little fallos to me. Great type though!
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