contactapp (initial concept)

by bartodell • Uploaded: Feb. 05 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08


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Description: An online shared contact management app with the ability to assign tasks. Basically the application is a rolodex with a different slant on it. This was the initial concept that led to the final design in my showcase. This version was my preferred choice.
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4335

Lets Discuss

drewboy Feb. 06 '08

You're right - this one is better than the final design. Much more individual in style. That's a nice yellow you have there.

OcularInk Feb. 09 '08

This is cool, Bart. What does the grey look like in white?

Respiro Feb. 17 '08

%22What does the grey look like in white?%22 - very good question. Let me second it... :)

Brandsimplicity Feb. 18 '08

Great design Bart.Looks better with the grey,has more pop!


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