
by bartodell • Uploaded: Dec. 18 '07


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Description: This is a logo illustration I just completed for the Lubbock Symphony's Travel The Orient Express.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3592

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Dec. 18 '07

Looks like it's moving. :-D

bpotstra Dec. 18 '07

Nice details in there!

logomotive Dec. 18 '07

Nice line work Bart, you seem to have also captured the time period perfectly with the color and style of Illustration. looks Like something You might see in an OLD train book.

firebrand Dec. 19 '07

You could have used a double bass for the engine... kiddin. Nice illustration, Bart.

OMNI Jan. 08 '08

Wow, nice one tone illustration. First watching the logo on the thumbnail I didn't know what it actually was, I just thought it was a sci-fi machine with a %22cone%22-shaped drill on the side. When I opened this page, before seeing the logo full size, I read the explanation, then looked at the logo and now I don't know if I would've realized it was a train if I hadn't read the explanation first...


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